Monday, January 25, 2010

The Climb ..::!!

So many things to post, so many things to tell and so many things to share...But just to break the shackles and just to come back to the blogosphere and yet not get into nitty-gritty, here is a beautiful song that somehow encompasses a lot of my feelings right now...

A beautiful song, beautiful lyrics, beautiful video and of course the singer!!!!..;)

Check her out in the actual video here! ;-)


Karthik said...

WOW!!.. How did you manage to find this. It's so perfect. The lyrics couldn't have been more precise.

Garf said...

Welcome back....keep posting...i am here to read... :)

Divya A L said...

Very apt and a precise one!! A typical one ;) Beautiful indeed!!

BTW, I don't mind reading your elaborated posts!! :)

Sagar said...

Hmmm.... lovely lyrics.

dilip said...

@Karthik: Yep! I know!

@Garf: Thanks for being there..:)

@Divya: Why write elaborated posts when things can be written in few lines..;) Its the age of twitter..:)

@Sagar: Yep...Thats why it came up on my blog as the first video there..:)

Krishna said...

Beautiful !!

unknown said...

Good one. There is a song for every human affliction.

Anand Josyula said...

Nice one Dilip. Its funny how sometimes we miss the meaning of the song when we are watching the music video or listening to it. One gains a different perspective on the song when watching, listening, and reading the lyrics like this. thanks for sharing

dilip said...

@Krishna: Thanks..:)

@Divya: Yep! You are right..Why i loved this one so much is because if i had written a poem right now, it would have the same lyrics!

@Anand: Glad you liked it..Yep, you are right..Most English songs do have good lyrics, but the problem is many are difficult to follow..:)

Pratibha said...

Oh wow...I liked the song, it had something that I needed at the moment..thank you! :)

Me said...

damn... proxy settings here not allowing me to play the song... :(

dilip said...

@Pratibha: Glad you liked it..:)

@Me: Dont tell me you cant watch youtube?!?! How are you surviving? ;-)

Here are the links in-case you can access them some time or from somewhere..

The actual video: