Sunday, October 04, 2009


Its amazing how one never gets tired if one is doing what one loves...Its past 3AM and I don’t know whether to go to sleep or simply wait for another couple of hours for my morning jog...Life sure has its ways of telling us what we love, but the question is, do we listen?

One constantly keeps hearing that “Love doesn’t let one sleep”. People might have used that phrase in a different sense but I can clearly see it happening. I am still up and don’t really mind skipping my sleep for the night. The joy that i get from this is much more lasting than those few hours of sleep would have given me...

Love is what you want and once you have found it, it doesn't matter how many fewer hours you get to sleep or how much extra effort you will have to put in. If you love what you are doing, then how can it be “Work”?
Given this, why is it that so few of us pursue what we love? Why is that we fear leaving our comfort zone? Why is that we get lazy and give up trying..? Isn’t it kind of an irony that as we get older the ‘maturity’ is us prevents us from chasing what we really want to achieve...?

Anyway let me carry on...


Sagar said...

Ask me I will tell you; since I have seen both the 'young' and 'not so young' phases of life. :-)

It isn't maturity, rather the lack of adventurism, that stops you. When you are young there is no stopping; every setback is seen as another opportunity. When you grow 'not so young', every opportunity is a potential setback. :-)

And what you called Love, I would term as passion. One could love, but loving with passion is what drives an individual. :-)

Divya A L said...

Again Right, Mr.Right!! :) Hope you enjoyed your jog....

BTW, whom do you meet or who accompanies you for the jog??? :)

dilip said...

Pearls of wisdom from u..:)
Loved this statement "When you grow 'not so young', every opportunity is a potential setback"..!!! Never thought along those lines..
Haaa..The fight between passion and Love!! I have to agree with what you said but there cannot be passion without Love! :)

Yep! Thoroughly enjoyed it..:)
And as far as your question goes its generally "me, myself and yaa no irene"..;-)

Srinivas Guntupalli said...

I would say, the answer for all the questions that you put is, the extra and unnecessary baggage that we accumulate and carry it around with us, and all the insecurity that come along with that. That insecurity is what would make the 'not so young' perceive every hurdle as a setback, rather than a challenge.

dilip said...

Yep..Thats true..
So that gyaan delaying u to carry the extra baggage?!? ;-)

Srinivas Guntupalli said...

yes, you go it :-)

Rajesh Goli said...

I wonder.. what is it that you were doing?

dilip said...

Definitely not Work..;)

unknown said...

For some adventurism starts later in life. Some people live dreary life for decades when they realise they can be much more than what they have been so far. It is like enlightenment. You see yourself in a whole new light. Ensure that you have a dream. It will take you places one way or another and age no bar !

dilip said...

@Divya Pavoor:
Good to see you say that...You were the first one among a lot of ppl i talked to who put things in that perspective..

Me said...

"the maturity in us prevents us from chasing what we really want"... i do not agree with this totally... it's just that the 'wants' change... u start understanding the bigger picture.. the rest of the chase seems too small in front of it... the journey becomes more important than the destination..

dilip said...

I agree, But what i was referring to was "The wants" are no longer as daring as before, which inturn can result in "us" not realizing our potential..

Garf said...

Ah...thats a tough topic buddy. I tried writing about it's strange but sometimes there is so much you feel like saying about it and they are there with those correct words in the mind and sometimes, you just can't explain.

Your posts are great. I came across your blog today for the first time. Keep up the nice work. Happy Diwali.

dilip said...

Thanks a lot for those nice words!
Wish you a Happy Diwali too..Have a blast..:)

Sindhu said...

Hey nice blog :) loved ur poems.

dilip said...
